The animated cartoon commercial development and it own art content are inseparable, only the balances mutually between the two, its development is benign. 动画片的商业发展和它自身的艺术含量密不可分,只有在二者相互平衡时,它的发展才是良性的。
The Hayao Miyazaki Animated Cartoon World in Light of Modernism and Post-Modernism 现代主义与后现代主义观照下的宫崎骏动画世界
Reflections Arising from the Animated Cartoon Pattern of Beowulf 由《贝奥武夫》动画电影模式所引发的思考
By a comparative study on animated cartoon for science popularization in China and Japan, we could learn from the Japanese experience which is a big help for the undertaking in our country. 通过对中日科普动漫现状的比较分析,借鉴日本科普动漫发展的经验,以求对我国科普动漫的发展有所帮助。
Miss Qi usually like to watch "One Piece"," Naruto" fighting like the animated cartoon blood. 齐小姐平时最喜欢看《海贼王》、《火影忍者》之类的热血战斗动漫剧。
Want to play the "national school" Chinese cartoons, children can attract more attention to domestic animation, but to make China a successful animated cartoon good blow," China wind "it? 希望打出“国学派”中国动画片,能够吸引更多孩子关注国产动画,但是一部成功的动画片能让中国动漫吹好“中国风”吗?
Standardization Strategy and Talent Strategy in Animated Cartoon Industry 动画产业中的标准化战略和人才战略
In the21st century animated cartoon for science popularization has played an important role in science communication. 在21世纪,利用科普动漫进行科技传播已经成为科学技术普及的一种必不可少的手段和方式。
Talk about Teaching Animated Cartoon in Tertiary Institutions from Present Technology Classification of Animated Cartoon Production 由目前动画制作的技术分类谈我国高校动画教学
Artists drew the characters that appear in the animated cartoon program. a flattering portrait [ painter] 艺术家们的动画节目中刻画了那些人物,画得比本人[实物]好看的画像[画家]
Enlightened by the animated cartoon, and through the step-by-step perfection of 2D and 3D, people finally created a new stage of arts. 人们从卡通动画中受到启发,经过2D,3D等一步步的完善,最终创建了艺术的新境界。
Talk about National Animated Cartoon and Originality Industry from A Colt Crossing a River 从《小马过河》谈民族动画与创意产业
Choosing of Sound& The Integration of Picture and Music in Animated Cartoon 有取舍的发声&论动画电影中画面与音乐的融合
How far away from our own animated cartoon game? 本土动漫到底有多远?
He was captivated by the adventures of the heroes in the animated cartoon. 他被动画片中主人公的冒险经历吸引住了。
On Animated Cartoon Film Translation from the Perspective of Relevance Theory 从关联理论角度分析动画电影的翻译
San Mao, the Monkey King, a small broken child, Rainbow Blue cat rabbit are all present on derivatives of the popular animated cartoon made. 三毛、孙悟空、小破孩、虹猫蓝兔等都是当下的动画衍生品市场上广受欢迎的国产卡通形象。
Sinking or Nirvana-The Final Choice of the Animated Cartoon Major in Universities and Colleges 沉沦或涅盘&高校动画专业的最终抉择
The animated cartoon only then had guaranteed after it artistic standard, only then has invests the market the energy. 动画片只有在其保证了艺术水准之后,才有投入市场的底气。
In1998, her story was adapted for an animated cartoon in a Disney amusement center in the United States, to the acclaim of visitors young and old. 1998年,迪士尼将花木兰的故事改编成了动画片,受到了全世界的欢迎。
We watched an animated cartoon. 我们观看了一部卡通片。
Where should the "Tadpoles" go?& The Trend of Animated Cartoon in Ink and Wash Painting in Post-modernist Cultural Context 小蝌蚪该游向何方?&后现代文化语境中水墨动画之走向探析
Designed or constructed in the form of an animated cartoon. 用动画片形式设计或编制的。
The circumstances of Japanese animated cartoon producers are coming down dramatically, accompanying the ceaseless expansion of Japanese animate. 可以说,伴随着日本动画产业的不断膨胀,日本动画人的“境遇”却在戏剧性地下降。
Creative Power Entertaining ( CPE) is a professional AV production house with a special strength in animated cartoon creation. 广东原创动力文化传播有限公司是一家集影视制作、卡通动漫创作于一体的专业影视制作公司。
The design and implementation method of developing multimedia courseware which make use of multi-medium text, image, animated cartoon, video and audio, are introduced. 介绍了具有文本、图象、动画、视频和音频等多种媒体表现能力和多种连接方式的多媒体课件《化学实验》的设计和开发过程中的设计思想和关键实现技术。
Chinese animated cartoon has a history of 80 years and has achieved gratifying achievements. 中国动画片发展经历了80年的时间,期间,中国动画取得了可喜的成绩。
Internet Cartoon, by definition, is animated cartoon released and played on the Internet. 网络动画是指通过互联网进行发布与播放的动画片。
The audience of the television animation is that the recipient of what animated cartoon in the television channel telecasts. 电视动画的受众是指电视频道上播映的动画片的接受者。